The documentary (Marianela Maldonado, 97 min., 2022, Venezuela) follows three Venezuelan children from the Las Brisas neighborhood of Valencia, Venezuela, who struggle to become professional musicians within the National Orchestra System. Over the course of a decade, Edixon, Dissandra and Wuilly do not give up in their attempts to achieve a better future and, through their eyes, the portrait of a country is outlined. It is a story of resistance, resilience and perseverance, which explores the power of discipline and classical music as tools of survival. The film is Venezuela’s candidate for Best Ibero-American Film at the 2025 Goya Awards. The screening will feature the presence of the director, who will answer questions from viewers. Admission by invitation, booking here.
When: 09/12/2024 Time: 8pm
Cinemes Girona
Where: C/ Girona, 175. Barcelona