Omar Itani: weaving a sustainable future

Omar Itani is the CEO of FabricAID, a social enterprise working to establish a socially and environmentally conscious value chain for the textile industry. FabricAID reuses and recycles used clothing. Thanks to FabricAID, more than one million garments have been sold to 200,000 marginalised people and 600,000 kg of clothing have been recycled. This has brought environmental, social and financial benefits, creating more than one hundred jobs and investing around five million dollars in Lebanon.

Discussion introduced by:

Jaime Lanaspa, president of the Club of Rome Office in Barcelona.

Roger Albinyana, managing director of the European Mediterranean Institute (IEMed).


Omar Itani, founder of FabricAID – LEBANON. He is the 2019 UN Young Champion of the Earth.

Moderated by:

Daniel de Torres, director of the RECI (Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities).

Free entry with reservation here.


When: 17/09/2024   Time: 6pm

CaixaForum Macaya

Where: Passeig de Sant Joan, 108. Barcelona
