Is it possible to regenerate vision?

The ECaBox project aims to achieve it by creating a box, the ECaBox, to keep eyes physiologically alive and allow the development of therapies for visual impairment. The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) invites you to this Scientific Café, where you will be able to talk with experts in the use and potential applications of this revolutionary device, while you will attend the premiere of the graphic representation of ECaBox in a format that will surprise you: a hologram. Dialogue facilitated by:

Eimear Byrne, researcher at the CRG and head of the ECaBox project

María Llorián Salvador, researcher at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute and Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the UAB

Gabriel Mattioli, Director of the Punt de Vista Foundation

Moderated by:

Silvia Tognetti, Scientific Project Manager at the CRG

Free activity with registration here.


When: 01/10/2024   Time: 6pm


Where: C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88. Pl. del PRBB (sala Marie Curie). Barcelona
