23, Apr. 2024

L’Auditori, 25 years

Until 09/06/2024. The exhibition, led by the Museu de la Música de Barcelona and located outside the building, is a...
26, Jan. 2024

Barcelona Districte Cultural

From 08/02/2024 to 27/04/2024. The 15th edition of Barcelona Districte Cultural will bring 34 new proposals to the ten...
15, Mar. 2024

“Why war?” Conference cycle

From 09/04/2024 to 21/05/2024. Lecture series which aims to tackle the phenomenon of conflict from different...
27, Apr. 2023

Dimarts Toca ESMUC

On tuesdays. Dimarts Toca ESMUC is a stable cycle of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya that shows the...



About the transformation

04/05/2024. The winner of the National Cinematography Award, Carla Simón, will talk about the...

The new Asian cinema

Until 25/05/2024. Casa Asia presents seven titles that unite cultures and peoples, respectively...


Images that tell the world

29/04/2024. Taking as their starting point the questions that Jordi Balló and Mercè Oliva raise in...


Animals on board

Until 26/05/2024. The exhibition is based on the anecdotes explained in a discussion which the...

L’Auditori, 25 years

Until 09/06/2024. The exhibition, led by the Museu de la Música de Barcelona and located outside...



27/04/2024 and 28/04/2024. This show, by the French company Les filles du Renard Pâle, opens the...


Cultural regatta

Until end of 2024. Barcelona will offer more than 200 cultural activities programmed for the...


From 25/04/2024 to 28/04/2024. The second edition of this festival is here, which brings the...


Discover Barcelona / Vive BCN

A selection of the city’s most outstanding activities
