The importance of the oceans

The oceans are essential when it comes to regulating the climate and marine and terrestrial ecosystems since they offer a high capacity to absorb carbon. Despite this, the oceans are no exception and receive the environmental impact generated by human action, responsible for the pollution of the seas and the loss of biodiversity. The key to protecting them and reversing the degradation processes they suffer is also in our hands. Chat with Cristina Romera, renowned oceanographer and researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC). Led by Jordi Serrallonga, archaeologist, naturalist, explorer and writer. Free activity, booking here. You can also visit the exhibitions for free, Water, an unfiltered exhibition and Oceans, nature speaks to us (which opens on September 12), before the gathering.


When: 19/09/2024   Time: 6:30pm

Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona

Where: Pl. de Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5. Barcelona
